Tag Archives: stock options

EMI options – the wait is over!

Since 6 April 2018 companies have been unable to grant new EMI options, because the existing EU state aid approval expired without fresh approval having been received. So there has been much excitement today at the news that the EU Commission has now given state aid approval, and companies can now grant new EMI options. … Continue Reading

U.S. Supreme Court grants writ of certiorari on Railroad Retirement Tax Act issue

  The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to resolve a split between the Seventh and Eighth Circuits related to a federal program that is a well-kept secret. Nothing as intriguing as Russian spies or hacked emails… but, I think, interesting nonetheless. Of course, you have heard about the Social Security system. And you probably know … Continue Reading

New Aussie rules favour share schemes

On 1 July 2015 some important changes were made to the taxation of employee share schemes in Australia which will make employee option schemes more attractive for employees, particularly where the company qualifies as an eligible start-up. For all employee option schemes there is the possibility of deferring the taxing point until exercise of the … Continue Reading

The best laid plans …. Problems with registering share schemes with HMRC online

Following on from our earlier blog post predicting that companies might have issues when using the new online service for registering employee share plans with HMRC, it appears that problems are indeed emerging. Despite the looming deadline of 6 July, we hear anecdotal reports that so far only about 25% of plans have been registered.  In … Continue Reading

Right said FRED – changes to UK accounting for share options

The Financial Reporting Council has published a consultation on amendments to accounting standard FRS102, which deals with share-based payments (such as options) with a cash alternative.  The amendments are aimed at aligning FRS102, which tends to be used by smaller companies, with the international accounting standards used by listed companies.  The closing date for responses … Continue Reading

Happy new (UK tax) year! – action required for all share incentive plans

In several posts last year, we charted the development of the new HMRC rules for the online registering, self-certifying and making of annual returns for share plans, and indeed all arrangements under which employees receive shares. Now the dust has settled, the teething troubles have been ironed out and the templates for the new “end-of-year” returns … Continue Reading

Is it permISSible? Yet more guidelines on UK directors’ remuneration

Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) recently released its first stand-alone UK and Ireland Proxy Voting Guidelines (previously, ISS and the NAPF issued guidelines through Research Recommendations and Electronic Voting, their joint venture which came to an end in June 2014). The guidelines apply to shareholder meetings held on or after 1 February 2015.  In the area of … Continue Reading

Moving on – changes to the taxation of shares for internationally mobile employees

For employees that move from country to country, the taxation of benefits in the form of shares is different from the way in which other types of remuneration are taxed in the UK. This can be a pain to administer and result in significant tax advantages to some employees, whilst others are worse off.  The … Continue Reading

DIY and get it right! The further perils of registering share plans with HMRC

As trailed in our previous post, HMRC has just published the FAQs about its new online service for share plans. It’s clear that it’s very much do-it-yourself.  If you want confirmation that your registration of a share plan or notification of an EMI option grant was successful, make sure you print and save a copy of … Continue Reading

IRS confirms no acceleration of US tax for some stock plans

The IRS has confirmed that stock-based plans of non-U.S. employers under which options and stock appreciation rights are settled in stock do not result in acceleration of income for US tax purposes.  However,  the ruling also confirmed that stock appreciation rights that may be settled in cash can result in acceleration of income for employees … Continue Reading

Self-certification of UK tax-advantaged share plans: HMRC muddies the waters

With the 6 April start date for the new self-certification regime for HMRC-approved share plans fast approaching, HMRC have published some helpful amendments to the proposed legislation but have also published new provisions that require further clarification.  Questions remain on how both existing and new plans will be affected.  For more details, read our alert.… Continue Reading

Oracle’s Larry Ellison and Where is Say-on-Pay Headed in 2014?

On October 31, 2013, shareholders of Oracle Corp. voted “no” to CEO and founder Larry Ellison’s pay package worth $78.4 million (which is actually down 18 percent from the $96.2 million package he received a year earlier for which he also received a “no” vote by Oracle shareholders) (see Oracle Form 8-K filing).  Approximately 56.3 percent of … Continue Reading