Tag Archives: TPR guidance

ASAP x 10 – TPR Puts The Dash Into Pensions Dashboards

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is not pulling any punches in its latest messaging around pensions dashboards. The Deadline campaign, launched on 22 June 2022, follows research conducted by TPR revealing that insufficient progress has been made by schemes in preparing for pensions dashboards and moving towards the level of digitalisation of member records that will … Continue Reading

Stop press – Furloughed employees and pension contributions – TPR fills in (some of) the gaps

No sooner had I published my blog this morning, on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and the treatment of furloughed employees’ pension contributions – highlighting gaps in the HMRC guidance – the Pensions Regulator (TPR) published detailed guidance providing some much-needed clarity and reassurance for struggling employers. The overriding message is that, whilst employers … Continue Reading

Assessing the value of pensions promises – parent company guarantees

The Pensions Regulator’s 27 March guidance emphasised the need for trustees of defined benefit pension schemes to engage with their sponsoring employers to understand the implications of the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic for their scheme’s employer covenant. Where employers seek reduced or suspended contributions, although the focus will naturally be on the scheme’s direct participating employers and … Continue Reading