Tag Archives: The Pensions Regulator

It’s A Fair Challenge! Penalty Decisions Examined

In recent years, The Pensions Regulator (“TPR”) has been steadfast in enforcing compliance among pension scheme trustees and employers, often issuing penalties for non-compliance. However, recent cases indicate that with a valid reason, it is possible to contest and even overturn penalties. Here, we examine three noteworthy tribunal decisions that shed light on the courts’ … Continue Reading

Is £1 Million Enough?

It’s Yorkshire Day on 1 August and, when I was thinking about this blog, the stereotype of a stingy Yorkshireman came to mind. Not because I think Yorkshire folk are actually stingy. I don’t! I was wondering whether TPR’s powers granted under the Pension Schemes Act 2021 (PSA 21) have made a difference, or whether … Continue Reading

The General Code in Bite-Sized Chunks – Counting Members for General Code Compliance Is Definitely Not a Piece of Cake!

Have you ever asked a seemingly straightforward question, only to be met with an answer that starts with “Well, it depends…..”? This can be a touch irritating. However, it may be the first part of the answer given to trustees who ask for advice on what aspects of the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) general code of … Continue Reading

New Notifiable Events may Trump Criminal Sanctions as the Biggest Potential Disruptor of Corporate Activity

The new Pension Schemes Act 2021 paved the way for potential changes to the notifiable events framework which is intended to give The Pensions Regulator (TPR) early warning of possible calls on the Pension Protection Fund. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has now issued draft regulations (Draft Regulations) and consulted on proposed changes … Continue Reading

The Pensions Single Code – Scatter the Clouds

Getting started on a project is often the most difficult part. If I put off doing something (personally or professionally) the task looms over me like a little black cloud, and somehow that cloud seems to get bigger every time it enters my thought process. In a cartoon-like manner, the cloud starts to follows me … Continue Reading

The Saver is at the Heart of TPR’s 15-year Strategy

Taking a look across the generations, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has set out its blueprint for the future of pensions regulation in a 15-year strategy aimed at protecting savers in the short and long term. The strategy focuses on TPR’s commitment to evolve from a scheme-based view to one that puts the saver at the … Continue Reading

End of Round One for TPR?

The pension schemes bill has been issued, giving The Pensions Regulator (TPR) stronger powers, but its passage through parliament is far from over. The new bill legislates for “collective money purchase benefits” and the pensions dashboard, it amends the scheme funding provisions of the Pensions Act 2004 and introduces changes to the individual transfer regime … Continue Reading

TPR set to get new powers

The DWP is consulting on new powers for The Pensions Regulator (TPR). The consultation covers: Notifiable events framework Declaration of intent (new) Voluntary clearance Engagement with other regulators Fines Contribution notices and financial support directions Of particular note are the new civil and criminal sanctions. The DWP is proposing that TPR should be able to … Continue Reading

But sir, my dog ate the scheme accounts!

Four trustees of an occupational defined benefit pension scheme have been fined £500 each by the Pensions Regulator (TPR) for their failure to obtain audited scheme accounts on time without reasonable excuse. This is the first fine of this type, and follows TPR’s announcement in 2017 that it was going to be “clearer, quicker and … Continue Reading

Watch out Rumpelstiltskin…

You never know who is listening! Back in April last year we told the tale of the “granny turned wolf” as the Pensions Regulator (TPR) began to bare its teeth and prosecute those who had failed to comply with notices issued under s72 Pensions Act 2004 requiring information/documentation to be provided to it to assist in … Continue Reading