On 7 July we reported that HMRC’s online filing system for employment related shares was down – worrying, given the 6 July filing deadline. Things finally seem to be returning to normal but some issues are still being reported as it appears HMRC are limiting the number of concurrent users of the system so that error … Continue Reading
Hot off the press, an announcement from HMRC Share Schemes: “ERS Online service We are aware of some technical issues that are being investigated as a matter of urgency, and apologise for any inconvenience caused to customers. As customers will be unable to file their annual return by the 6 July 2015 deadline we will … Continue Reading
The 6 July deadline for companies to register their share incentive plans with HMRC online (and self-certify their tax advantaged plans) is fast approaching. By this date companies must also make an end-of-year return for each plan, including any non-tax-advantaged (“unapproved”) arrangements where there have been “reportable events” – see our previous blog posts on … Continue Reading