As a contentious lawyer, I tend not to be involved in pensions issues when everything is going smoothly – my phone normally rings when trustees or employers are facing a problem of reasonable magnitude. I often wish that I had been involved at an earlier stage, at the point that the problem was (or could … Continue Reading
The writing may not always be on the wall in terms of validating scheme amendments where historic documentation is scarce and in terms of recovering overpayments to pensions. An interesting case involving the BIC UK Pension Scheme (yes, “BIC” as in the pen that you may be holding) highlights a new way forward for trustees … Continue Reading
You never know who is listening! Back in April last year we told the tale of the “granny turned wolf” as the Pensions Regulator (TPR) began to bare its teeth and prosecute those who had failed to comply with notices issued under s72 Pensions Act 2004 requiring information/documentation to be provided to it to assist in … Continue Reading
“All the better to eat you with, my dear.” And so our precautionary tale begins. Chapter 1 – Lost in the woods Once upon a time the Pensions Act 2004 (the Act) was introduced and it gave a variety of enforcement powers to the newly formed Pensions Regulator (TPR). For a time at least, employers … Continue Reading